Call for Paper
You are cordially invited to participate in the 5th International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET2019) to be held in Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic on 2 to 4 July 2019.
Technology has become an irreversible force driving changes in teaching and learning practices. Educational technology broadly covers instructional technology, information and communication technology for educational purposes, with an aim to enhance learning outcome and enrich learning experience through the effective and innovative use of technology. ISET2019 provides a platform for knowledge exchange and experience sharing among researchers and practitioners in this field.
The theme of ISET2019 is Technological Innovation for Personalized Learning. Original papers reporting research results or novel applications of educational technology are especially welcome. ISET2019 covers all topics in educational technology including, but not limited to:
- e-learning and online learning
- game-based learning
- instructional technology
- ubiquitous learning and flexible learning
- social media for teaching and learning
- massive open online courses
- open education resources
- online platform and environment
- podcasting and broadcasting
- smart learning environment
- virtual reality for teaching and learning
- learning analytics and education big data
- institutional policies and strategies
Paper Submission
Original papers should be written in English and submitted by 17 February 2019 (extended). Your paper should follow the IEEE's two-column proceedings format in 4 to 5 pages for regular papers, and 2 to 3 pages for short papers. The Symposium Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society CPS, and submitted to the IEEE Xplore, IEEE CSDL and EI indexing. Best / Excellent Paper Awards will be granted to authors of papers with exceptional merits. Selected papers will be recommended to the Interactive Learning Environments journal (SSCI listed, impact factor 1.604) in a Special Issue on Personalized Learning, and the International Journal on Innovation and Learning (ESCI listed) in a Special Issue on Open Educational Resources.
You may download the PDF from here.
Please submit your paper via the paper submission system. (The submission system has been closed.)